Member of the month: Jerry Kubitsky
Spotlight date: May, 2018

The ASCCA Membership Committee proudly announces Jerry Kubitsky of Summit Transmissions & Auto Care as its ASCCA member of the month for May 2018. Every month, the ASCCA honors members who have continuously excelled in the demonstration of ASCCA’s core values of integrity, compassion, professionalism, and unity. Along with these core values, Jerry has proven to go above and beyond in demonstrating support for ASCCA’s core purpose: To elevate and unite automotive professionals and give them voice.
Jerry specializes in the repair and rebuilding of transmissions, however, Summit Transmissions & Auto Care is now a full-service auto shop. Making the transition to a full-service auto care shop has been difficult but Jerry stated that it has been worthwhile since the customers love the detailed full-service work at Summit Transmissions & Auto Care.
Jerry has been an ASCCA member since April of 2008. As a long-time member, Jerry says that his company has greatly benefitted from the organization. “As a member, I've seen substantial savings on workman's comp and medical insurance, uniforms, oils, and office supplies. No question that the savings alone pay for our membership. Finally, there is a great satisfaction in serving and volunteering.”
In August of 2016, Jerry’s shop caught on fire due to some other shop improperly installing a breath analyzer in a van. Jerry said, “As I walked around the rubble the next day, I received a call from Glen Davis asking how he could help me. Tracy Renee set up a Go Fund Me account that raised over $10,000 and that got us through the toughest part of the ordeal. Dara Bakhshandeh from C&D offered me the use of his shop to keep me going. Many others called and just offered their prayers and support. I'm forever thankful to everyone who was there for me.”
Jerry also said there are many special and memorable moments that go along with being an ASCCA member. “Nothing beats attending the Team Weekends. Every Team Weekend I've attended has been great. We all work hard at the meetings, but afterwards, if we go out to dinner or just hang out, we have fun, with lots of joking around.”
Jerry has had many valuable experiences as a member of ASCCA. When asked what he loves about ASCCA, Jerry replied “I love the people who make up ASCCA. This organization is all about relationships. Relationships with fellow shop owners, experts who possess knowledge we may not have, and relationships with members of our government.”
On a final note, Jerry suggests that being an active member of the ASCCA is the best way to get the most out of the organization. “I would suggest to any member to get more involved by joining a committee or attending Team Weekends. Not being involved is like having plain vanilla ice cream. It’s good, but it's so much better with all the toppings!”
Thank you Jerry for your continuous dedication to ASCCA. Our organization and its members have experienced marvelous improvements from your participation, compassion, integrity, and of course, your commitment.