Posted on 5/2/2024

Get Involved! Join the 2025 ASCCA Board of Directors The ASCCA is pleased to call for nominations for seats open on the 2024 Board of Directors. Participation on the ASCCA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for automotive repair professionals to help guide the state's largest organization of independent auto shop owners in shaping the future of the industry and building a stronger industry. Board participation is a chance to grow personally and professionally, and to develop skills, experience and connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Download the nomination application HERE!
Posted on 12/21/2022

ATLANTA, GA. (DECEMBER 19th, 2022): The Automotive Service Councils of California (ASCCA) announced a continuation of their corporate partnership agreement with top auto repair digital marketing firm Leads Near Me. "ASCCA is excited to continue its relationship with Ryan Burton and Leads Near Me. Ryan and his team bring extensive experience and vast knowledge on using SEO and other digital tools to bring customers to ASCCA shops,” said Carolyn Coquillette, 2022 ASCCA President, Owner of Luscious Garage (San Francisco) and Founder/CEO of Shop Ware. This move will offer expanded benefits for both sides, especially for ASCCA members looking for better online visibility using Leads Near Me’s unique Car Count Boost methodology. Car Count Boost directly drives leads from targeted customers — who search Google specifically for automotive services — by Leads Near Me’s proprietary lead capture technology, conversion tracking, and performance optimizatio ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2022

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Automotive Service Councils of California is proud to announce a new corporate partnership with Broadly. Broadly helps local businesses build a strong, lasting online presence and a reputation that helps them stand out in their area. Broadly helps local businesses attract leads, connect with customers, and automatically request reviews. “ASCCA members now have another tool available to them with the return of Broadly as a Corporate Partner. Zack Romero and the Broadly team provide streamlined text and email communication as well as other methods to assist customers in finding our members”, says Carolyn Coquillette, 2022 ASCCA President, owner of Luscious Garage (San Francisco) and Founder/CEO of Shop Ware. With Broadly, you can provide a 5-star customer experience with a responsive website, automated web chat, streamlined text and email communication, and flexible mobile payment options. Broadly makes it easy for customers to find you ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2022
From ASCCA Government Affairs Committee Chair, Dave Kusa: Thanks to Jack Molodanof for compiling the new laws for 2023. Please see the link for the full list. Here are a few that have special interest to our members. Minimum Wage Increase. Reminder that effective January 1, 2023, the minimum wage will increase to $15.50 per hour for all employers regardless of size, based on a cost-of-living provision in the state minimum wage law. (SB 3 of 2017). Please note that local minimum wage ordinances may be higher. Catalytic Converter Record Keeping Requirements. This new law requires Core Recyclers that buy catalytic converters from auto repair dealers to maintain a written record that includes physical business address & phone number, business license number or tax I.D. (AB 1740) Prohibited Purchases of Catalytic Co ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2022

Member Profile: O'Reilly Auto Parts and Firt Call Online: Real World Training; Legislative Update; Member News & Updates; Interested in Contributing a Little Time and Expertise to Your Industry?; Upcoming Events and Meetings; Donations & Scholarships Read more
Posted on 10/24/2022

ASCCA Industry Events; Member Profile:ATI Automotive Training Institute and Karen Dee; Legislative Update; Member News & Updates; ASCCA Educational Conference; ASCCA Welcomes New Members!; Interested in Contributing a Little Time and Expertise to Your Industry?; Upcoming Events and Meetings; Donations & Scholarships Read more
Posted on 10/20/2022
September 30 was that last day for Governor Newsom to sign or veto hundreds of bills on his desk. Below is a summary of key bills that we monitored this year. Also included are bills that didn’t make it to his desk. We expect some of these bills to be re-introduced next year. We will continue monitoring potential legislation for upcoming year and will report. Click here to view
Posted on 9/9/2022
From ASCCA Legislative Advocate, Jack Molodanof The 2022 legislative session ended late Thursday night, August 31. The Governor has until September 30 to sign or veto bills on his desk. Below is a list of key bills we tracked this year. We will continue to monitor bills on Governor's desk and report. Click here to view
Posted on 8/18/2022

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Automotive Service Councils of California is proud to announce a new corporate partnership with Shop Boss Shop Management. Shop Boss is a leading shop management software for independent auto repair shops. Meticulously designed by a former shop owner, the functions of this auto repair shop software facilitate smooth day-to-day operations for shop owners and technicians. Integrated features such as an auto repair labor guide, estimating, parts ordering, markup calculator, and customer self-check-in are essential to running a successful shop in the modern age. “It’s a real privilege to work with Mike DelaCruz and Shop Boss Shop Management. Having worked with Mike for many years, I am confident in the value and trust he and Shop Boss will bring to ASCCA and its members”, says John Eppstein, a past President of ASCCA. With Shop Boss, these cutting-edge features and more all live in one convenient, web-based application fo ... read more
Posted on 8/16/2022
From ASCCA Legislative Advocate, Jack Molodanof FYI. Some good news with regard to the catalytic converter theft bills heard in the both the Senate and Assembly Appropriation Committees (Suspense file). The two most controversial catalytic converter bills (AB 2407 & AB 2682) were held in committee and are not moving this year. The three (3) remaining catalytic converter theft bills, AB 1740, SB 986 and SB 1087 passed and will be heard on the floor in the next couple of weeks. Below is the summary of the bills. Click here to view
Posted on 7/26/2022
From ASCCA Legislative Advocate, Jack Molodanof: Below is a summary of my notes from the BAR Advisory Group Committee meeting and Vehicle Safety Inspection Program Regulatory Workshop that took place in Sacramento on July 21, 2022. ________________________ BAR Advisory Group Committee Meeting Introductions. BAR Chief, Patrick Dorais made opening comments that included, BAR celebrating 50 years as Bureau and introduced BAR staff in the audience. Members of the BAR Advisory Group Committee introduced themselves. DCA News & Updates. The Governor signed bill allowing for government entities to continue remote meetings along with in-person as long as specified guidelines followed. The DCA representative provided updates on new DCA staff. Legislative Bill and BAR Regulations Update. Legislative bill update included summary of the following: AB 646-Expunged Convicti ... read more