Contact Your Legislator Today: Vote "No" on AB 1274
AB 1274 is anti-consumer; anti-environment; anti-worker and anti-small business. The bill will extend the exemption for performing vehicle smog check inspection from 6 years to 8 years.
- Consumers will get hit in the "pocket book", because expensive vehicle emissions repair costs that are currently covered by the manufacture will fall outside the California and Federal warranty period, driving up costs to consumers.
- The bill will have a detrimental impact on the environment. High mileage vehicles that have emission related problems will be allowed to operate and pollute the air for an additional two years. This harms our environment and is counterintuitive to laws to clean up the air.
- Extending the exemption 2 years will reduce the need for smog inspections thus causing shops to drop out of program which means less choice for consumers and higher costs for smog check inspections.
- The bill is unfair to many small businesses that financially invested in the equipment and technician training because they relied on representations made by the state to maintain a strong clean air program. Changing rules midstream is not only unfair but will cause many smog stations to close business and lay off employees.
REQUEST: We need your help now! Voice your concerns to fight this unfair bill that hurts consumers, small businesses and the environment. Contact members of the State Senate TODAY and explain how this bill will hurt you and your business. For a Senate roster and their contact information, visit